Ninfa Garden day tours Italian summer beach house holiday
Ninfa Garden day tours Italian summer beach house holiday
It's not actually a natural park, Ninfa Garden day tours Italian summer beach house holiday, has been declared National Monument in 1976.
Its name evokes a smaller site and it is exactly one of the most romantic garden in the world.
The beautiful Ninfa Garden day tours Italian summer beach house holiday ( Giardini di Ninfa ) are located in the Latium region of Italy, about 20 miles from Sabaudia.
Known mostly to garden enthusiasts, Ninfa Garden and its unique setting are still a fairly well kept secret.
Roman Age
Was a substantial town going back to the times of the Romans.
They built a temple dedicated to nymphs on the shore of the small lake.
Medieval Age
In the medieval period, the Ninfa Garden beauties were strictly defended from the Norman and Saracen invasions.
They surrounded it with walls and built ten churches, four monasteries and a castle.
Ninfa become a little town with its own churches and towers.
In one of its churches Rolando da Siena was crowned as Pope Alexander III on 1159.
For this reason Frederick Redbeard destroyed Ninfa after eight years.
However, during the middle Ages the town was squabbled over, sacked, beset by malaria and eventually Ninfa was abandoned to the elements.
The ruins were covered by plants and flowers.
The historian Gregorovius wrote on Ninfa Gardens as the greatest fairy tale of history and nature.
A neglected part of the estate of the aristocratic Caetani family, Ninfa was left to slumber until the twentieth century when descendents transformed the town's ruins into a botanical garden.
Modern Times
The last owner, Lelia Caetani, left the garden to a foundation that now run the site in conjunction with the WWF.
Today Ninfa Garden is a spectacular garden with a little lake originated by springs, the Middle Age tower still standing and enchanting vegetation cured by the Howard family, a nature-loving family from England allied to Caetanis.
Ninfa Garden is a delightful location so recognized by the most famous Italian conservation groups.
You can breath an magic atmosphere where close each other lives worldwide floreal essence and migrator birds and animals.
Close to the original Ninfa Garden will birth another botanical Ninfa Garden a real museum-laboratory for migrator birds.